Casa Grande Homeless Resource Center
- Community Action Human Resources Agency (CAHRA)
- Arizona@Work
- Goodwill
- Salvation Army
- Sun Life Family Health Center (SLFHC)
- Department of Economic Security
- Family Assistance (Food Stamps, Benefits)
- Child Support
- Honoring Our Heroes Program (HOHP)
- Pinal-Gila Council for Senior Citizens
- National Community Health Partners (NCHP)
- Behavioral Health Agencies (Horizon Health and Wellness, Pinal Hispanic Council, Corazon, Helping Associates)
- Pinal Housing Division
- Social Security
- Southern Arizona Legal Aid
- Referrals as needed- Seeds of Hope Hot Lunch, St. Vincent De Paul, Courts
The Center is staffed by CAHRA, including a Coordinator, a support staff person, and direct service providers/case managers. Volunteers will also provide services, including receptionist and a navigator.
The ability to provide nursing examinations would provide the ultimate service necessary for these homeless individuals. To be able to identify their health issues and refer to other medical services would help their road to self reliance possibly they will be able to obtain a home, a job and eventually improved health.
Community Action Human Resources Agency (CAHRA) is a 501(c) 3 nonprofit designated as the Community Action Agency providing services to low income individuals and families throughout Pinal County. CAHRA has been identified as the lead agency in the operation of a Homeless Resource Center. The Center will be a place where homeless or those on the brink of homelessness will be able to speak with representatives and obtain services such as obtaining identification needed to qualify for services including training or obtaining a job.
The Resource Center is a part of one of the initial goals identified in the strategic plan of the Casa Grande Mayor’s Task Force on Homelessness (MTFH).

Task Force Members
- Mayor Craig McFarland
- Councilwoman Lisa Fitzgibbons
- Councilwoman Donna McBride
- Angel Leos, CG Police Department
- Rina Rien, Pinal Partnership
- Brian Frederickson, Community Member
- Cindy Schaider, Schaider Consulting

New CG homeless center to provide one-stop service
CASA GRANDE- Not asking for help when it is needed may be a matter of pride. It’s something that Mary Lou Rosales sees all the time.
Rosales is the executive director of Community Action

Coates: CG looks to AJ for ins and outs of a resource center
APACHE JUNCTION — The soup kitchen in Apache Junction welcomes all.
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CG homelessness resource center to be opened in the fall
CASA GRANDE — A partnership among the city of Casa Grande and local service organizations is culminating in a resource center meant to assist those struggling with homelessness.
Casa Gran
100% of your donation will help the homeless population in Casa Grande
Please direct your donations to address the homeless issue in Casa Grande. Your donation to CAHRA through this website will be used to assist the homeless population.